It’s yet to be bright outside, but we’re all wide awake. I’m the first to have breakfast, and a few of us skip it for the time being. We all met up by the pond and load up the Expedition, ready to head to the airport. This is going to be a relaxing type of vacation to Calgary and the Canadian Rockies.
The check-in agent at the airport surprises us. Alice’s seat was apparently reserved, confirmed, but “not ticketed,” she says. We stand there in disbelief, because I had reserved and paid for her ticket in April, and she got an e-mail saying that the ticket will be issued shortly. That second e-mail, she never got.
Everything works out, despite the schizophrenic departure arrangements—the flight is delayed by an hour, then by more than that; oh, it’s back on time again. The chain of Canadian Rockies, like a long spine rising from the vast flatness to our east, greets us as we descend into Calgary.
We get our cars and drive non-stop to Canmore, a charming little town nestled against the Rockies. The first order of business is a visit to the grocery store. We plan our menus while browsing the aisles.
The Solara Resort & Spa is a beautifully furnished complex with a private theater, gym, pools, and manicured paths. We fall in love with the place the minute we step into our unit. In the spirit of green living and carbon neutrality, the heat-radiating fake fireplace matches the modern decor.
Dinner begins with the blessing. Then, we have a salad of field greens with balsamic vinaigrette topped with chopped walnuts. With the side of steamed broccoli, the main course is whole wheat penne with mushrooms, sliced olives, onions, and lots of garlic. Now, we’re all too full to move.
Hi Danny,
Your blog and photos are beautiful! The photo you took of the mountains from our condo is stunning! We are happy we could play a small part in your amazing family trip to the Canadian Rockies. Please come back and visit us again!
Mike & Rachel
MWL Luxury Rentals